пʼятниця, 16 травня 2014 р.

Russian multiculturalism policy threatening the occupied territories of Ukraine

Modern Russian Neostalinizm cannot be considered better than Western cultural Marxism. The Russians in fact are now suffering from the same misfortune as the nations of the European Union do. Neostalinizm regime headed by Putin is now implementing a policy of multiculturalism which leads to complete dissolution of Russians in a sea of Asian people.
An event taking place in the Pushkino town not far from Moscow on May 15-16 is a striking manifestation of the Kremlin’s official policy. An immigrant murdered a young Russian man that led to a wave of protests against both migrants and local authorities protecting them. But all these protests faced resistance of the police and their complete misunderstanding. 

The current Russian government is pursuing genuine Russian patriots but is willingly “granting” protection to immigrants at the same time. Drug trafficking and several other criminal spheres are under migrants’ control. Moreover, many (even too many) representatives of Asian nations have their lobby in the police offices and in government authorities.

Russian multiculturalism policy brings significant threats to Ukrainian society. 

Firstly, one may easily observe a significant percentage of Asians representing Russian occupational forces on the Crimean peninsula as well as in the East of Ukraine. Those were Asians who were actively participating in raping local white girls and women, as well as in banditry occasions in the Crimea. 
Secondly, after the Crimea had been occupied we could observe an influx of Asians establishing control in the area of business (tourism in particular). 

Occupied territories of Crimea have all the chances to become a new Stavropol. Stavropol is a territory lying in the North of the Caucasus Mountains. It is a homeland to Ukrainians and Russians (but the local Ukrainian population is mostly denationalized: a part of is identifying itself as neither Ukrainians nor Russians but the "Cossack" people). Due to the policy of the Russian government Stavropol has turned into the Russian Kosovo. Stavropol territories are now being massively occupied by Muslim Caucasians despising the indigenous population. The Crimea can now easily become a new victim of the same Russian imperial multiculturalism approaches.

Thus the current struggle against Russian invaders is for Ukrainian nationalists not just a fight for independence, but also the one for the entire white race’s interests!