вівторок, 8 квітня 2014 р.

Oath of the participant of Maidan

In late November last year in Ukraine has started the national revolution. It began with questionable slogans and equally questionable behavior of the "leaders" of Maidan. But then everything went the way that was suggested by nationalists, and people started demanding resignation of Yanukovych's Party of Regions and ban of the Communist Party, the fight against corruption, lustration, and complete reload of power. Yanukovych fled, at the cost of blood of our heroes other people came to power in Ukraine. However, most of our demands are not fulfilled. Corruption schemes are restored and enhanced, lustration is not done, guilty of mass murders instead being brought before the revolutionary tribunal serve the present regime. In the power structures operates the fifth column of the Kremlin. Ukrainian patriots are killed and thrown in jail. The government is afraid of its own people and tries to disarm it.

The national revolution has not won yet. And so every Ukrainian patriot must promise himself that he won't stop the struggle. Otherwise, our sacrifices will be in vain.

Given this "Right Sector" initiates nationwide campaign "Oath of the Participant of Maidan." Let everyone who came out to the streets and squares of our cities with the hope of a better Ukrainian tomorrow swears to his own conscience and before God that he will not betray the idea of Revolution. Privately or collectively, at home or in church, at Maidan or in the streets of our own cities let us swear this oath and let us be true to its words!

I, - name, surname - realizing my own responsibility before the Lord, before the blood of the fallen heroes, before my own conscience and Ukrainian people swear:

I will go out to Maidan again or use other methods of struggle if the government continues to ignore the revolutionary demands.

I will go out to Maidan again or use other methods of struggle if the government does not punish the murderers and will instead persecute the patriots.

I will go out to Maidan again or use other methods of struggle if the government does not abandon criminal intentions to disarm its own people and by negligence or deliberate sabotage finally destroy country's defensive potentialities.

I will go out to Maidan again or use other methods of struggle if the authorities go the way of signing the international agreements that restrict Ukrainian sovereignty, inflict a blow on national security, and turn Ukraine into an obedient puppet of Moscow or Western imperialists.

I understand that "good" is not the government that "consists of good people," but one that is under the constant supervision of the united by the national idea people. May the Lord helps me to perform the duties that I take over.

Inscription: "Here, at this place, on 18.02.2014, I should have died, but destiny gave me a second chance. I swear to live the rest of my life worthily."