Modern Russia is a member of most European globalist organizations. Participating in ll these associations it fully agrees on anti-fascist mythology postulates which are an integral part of modern liberalism. Moreover, Russia is often seen to be in favor of strengthening legislation aimed at struggling with nationalism.
On September 30th at the PACE (Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe) session in Strasbourg debates took place aiming to adopt a new resolution on "neo-Nazism". Main reporters were Marietta Pourbaix-Lundin and Olga Kaakova, representatives of Sweden and Russia respectively. Both speakers insisted that the so-called "neo-Nazism" should be equated with "right extremism". The Russia representative was persistently assertive concerning blaming Ukrainian Waffen SS Division "Galicia".
Russia's position is not surprising, because the current Putin’s regime considers nationalism completely unacceptable. Any manifestations of Russian nationalism are severely persecuted. In addition, Moscow is aware that its imperial interests are in danger because of nationalist movements in Eastern Europe.
Reference: The division "Galicia" was formed in 1943 being an initiative of Ukrainians loyal to the Third Reich as well as Ukrainian Catholic representatives and moderate Ukrainian politicians. The Ukrainian Nationalists Organization (UNO) did not support the idea of creating such a division as it considered their enemy to be not just the USSR but also Germany. Nevertheless, UNO did not take an active resistance to the establishment of the division.
The main motivation of volunteers from the Division "Galicia" was the desire to protect their homeland from Bolshevism. Division soldiers showed great heroism during the Battle of Brody (in fact, while German troops were demotivated it was the Ukrainian Division that offered the greatest resistance to the Bolsheviks). Afterwards the soldiers from the Division fought against communist partisans in Slovakia and Yugoslavia (Ukrainian soldiers concluded an informal peace agreement with Joseph Tito’s partisans while fighting in Yugoslavia).