неділя, 30 березня 2014 р.

Olena Semenyaka: A magical evening with the torches at the headquarters of C14

A magical evening with the torches at the headquarters of C14 (former office of the Communist Party)... Up to hundred people gathered yestertoday, on March 29, at two-hour lecture of Igor Garkavenko "Right October," while far in the literal and figurative sense politicians and theorists like Dugin, who finally started taking seriously Ukrainian nationalism and makes recommendations for Right Sector, speculate that we are willing to conform to the new regime. We were talking about the transition from national to nationalist revolution that we have to accomplish now, deepening and bringing to fruition a sharp division between the current Maidan and its political representatives in the parliament...

I'm not going to repeat what everyone should listen to as soon as the video appears, just will mention one of the most striking metaphors of Igor: for each of those present in the hall nationalists have already been cast bullets - or printed money. "Unite despite the fact that intraspecific competition is stronger than interspecies fight, not play by the rules of the liberals in a purely parliamentary field where we are destined to lose, because the liberal discourse as such has no room for the hierarchy of values and heroism, owing to which we won on Maidan," explained Igor. We were ready to die, taking the wooden shields against the Kalashnikov rifles, unlike our opponents, the living dead who are afraid to turn death into the absolute and grab air in agony, believing that it will change their fate...

I will mention only three ideas that emphasized Igor: firstly, it was also the Facebook revolution, for the Internet is incarnate infinity with unlimited potential against the finite regimes and the most efficient coordinator that unites millions; secondly, our "Napoleons" should stop leading to power and conquering the lands for mediocrities, whose power does not affect even the meager rations of soldiers - it's time to conquer Paris and get the crown; thirdly, our revolution was not actually an explosion of Ukrainian authentic - it was that locus, in which sprouted pan-European revolution and restored nearly extinct type of the soldier - the man, whose main and most valued by a society (!) valor (virtus) lies in its military and historical existence, for the world history is, above all, the history of wars. Time to act - the more we wait, the greater becomes legitimacy of those people who arrogated to themselves our victory.

Many thanks to the organizers for the unforgettable evening and look forward to attending similar events in C14!

пʼятниця, 28 березня 2014 р.

Dmytro Yarosh: We want Ukraine, Poland, Hungary and Romania to have very close relations

(Interviu cu Dmitri Iaroş, liderul organizaţiei naţionaliste ucrainene "Sectorul de Dreapta": Revoluţia Naţională continuă!)

1. First thing, we have to congratulate you for the courage and determination wherewith you fight in Maidan. Even those who are not sympathize with your cause must be honest and recognize at least for themselves this thing. You proved an amazing courage. Congratulations! It's obvious, without organization and your struggle for regime change, would not have occurred, because there is no demo-liberal ideology to die for it. How you reconciled each other with the new government? It look like a change between gangs oligarchs. What is your role now in the government in Kiev?

Above all, I’d like to mention one thing: not only the Right Sector overthrew the Yanukovych regime. Yes, we pushed forward a more revolutionary strategy in fighting. Yes, we were ready for the conflict to become more intense. Yes, our fighters were well prepared, were known for their discipline, their steps being agreed upon by all, their professionalism. But not only guys from Right Sector took part in fights with defenders of the criminal regime, the fight was supported by the majority of Ukrainian society. People indeed didn’t die for the demoliberal ideology, for the EU, they died for Ukraine, for her independence, for social/economic justice and justice overall.
Regarding what we think of the current government, we are realists. On one hand, we definitely see a lot of negative tendencies in the government. But on the other hand, currently we’re trying not to criticize it much because we understand how serious the threat from Russia is. Being under this threat, we cannot allow ourselves to fight too much.
Today, the national revolution has not finished. Different people in the government changed, but the system remains the same. The Right Sector will do everything for the national revolution to continue, however from – using peaceful methods.

2. A significant part of romanians is sensitive to the situation of our fellow country who live within the boundaries of the Ukraine. As you know they have lost certain rights after the regime was changed, i mean, status of regional language that had before. Pro-Russian propaganda from Romania, was speculated this and accused you of of chauvinism and anti-Romanism. What is your attitude towards the Romanian community in Ukraine? Romanian language will get back the status of regional language?

I think Romanians in Ukraine are in a better situation than Ukrainians in Romania. Romanians have their own national state. Ukrainians don’t have such a state. Independent Ukraine has not done anything for the interests of the Ukrainian nation neither inside Ukraine nor abroad. This is a big problem.
We’ve said on numerous occasions that we are not chauvinists, and ethnic minorities shouldn’t fear us. We are nationalists, and this is why we respect other nations. We understand why it’s important for other people of different cultures inside Ukraine to maintain their identity and culture.
However, we also differentiate between preserving ones culture, on one hand, and on the other hand territorial claims towards Ukraine. For example, in Zakarpattia, Hungarians have everything they need to preserve their own culture. In day to day life, Ukrainians and Hungarians live in peace and harmony there. However, different Hungarian chauvinist organizations exist, organizations who try to turn Hungarians there against Ukrainians, promoting claims to Ukrainian lands there. This is unacceptable. This is also how it needs to be with the Romanian minority. Romanians need to know Ukrainian, recognize the land they live as Ukraine. If they do that, they’ll have all necessary rights. However, if they started saying they don’t know and don’t want to know Ukrainian, started obtaining Romanian passports, started promoting the idea of a Greater Romania (including Ukrainian lands) – for us this would be unacceptable.
Overall, Right Sector supports maximal consolidation of peoples in central and eastern Europe. For instance, we want Ukraine, Poland, Hungary and Romania to have very close relations. But for this to occur, on one hand we must forget about claims to different territories, and on the other we must defend the rights of national minorities. I feel our countries are very promising, and have a lot of chances to become a springboard for the rebirth of Christian Europe.

3. The separatist actions in Crimea are more violent and evident, everyone concludes that the zone will be attached to the Russian Federation. How the Sector will react whereas the army proves to be powerless?

The situation changes each day. Events can turn many different ways. We try to work with the government as much as possible to defend our territorial integrity. I hope some of our plans will work.

4. How do you manage to reconcile your well known opposition against Ukraine’s adherence to European Union and NATO with the government’s decision to integrate the country in the two structures?

Right Sector is not a member of the current government, and we don't agree with everything the government does. Regarding the so-called "moving towards Europe", to an extent it is justified: merely more economic co-operation with European countries to lessen economic dependence on Russia. But regarding actual membership in the EU or NATO, then we are against this. We understand such a principled position might not be overly popular, because many Ukrainians have illusions regarding the EU, or simply don't see another way counter the threat from Russia. However, we will do all we can, through propaganda, to change this situation.

5. You declared that in case Crimeea will adhere to Russian Federation, the Sector will initiate attempts against Russia’s economic interests in Ukraine. Crimeea’s secession is now a reality. Are you going to take radical actions in order to sabotage the economy or do you plan to reassess the situation?

As a rule, such radical measures are not discussed before the fact. A lot will depend on how the events develop.

A few words for Autonomus Nationalists( the most radical nationalist group from Romania, the only one who was the target for the anti-national institutions, houses of some members being sought out, a year ago).  Greetings from Autonomus Nationalists Timișoara and we hereby express our intention to continue the dialog and collaboration with the Right Sector.

I'd like wish Romanian nationalists all the best and to remember, that there is a big difference between nationalism on one hand, and chauvinism on the other. I'd like to wish them success in their fight, wish them victories that will help all of Europe.

Interviu cu Dmitri Iaroş, liderul organizaţiei naţionaliste ucrainene "Sectorul de Dreapta": Revoluţia Naţională continuă!

-În primul rând trebuie să vă felicităm pentru curajul şi determinarea cu care aţi luptat în Maidan. Chiar şi cei care nu simpatizează cu cauza voastră trebuie să fie cinstiţi şi să recunoască că aţi dat dovadă de un curaj uimitor. E evident că fără organizarea şi lupta voastră schimbarea regimului nu ar fi avut loc pentru că nu există niciun demo-liberal care să moară pentru ideologia lui. Cum vă împăcaţi cu noua putere? Pare doar o schimbare între bandele de oligarhi. Care este rolul vostru în guvernarea de la Kiev?

Înainte de orice aş vrea să menţionez un lucru: nu doar Sectorul de Dreapta a dat jos regimul Ianukovici. Da, am împins înainte o strategie mai revoluţionară de a lupta. Da, am fost pregătiţi ca acest coflict să devină din ce în ce mai intens. Da, luptătorii noştri au fost foarte bine pregătiti, sunt cunoscuţi pentru disciplina lor, tactica lor fiind agreată de către toţi şi sunt respectaţi pentru profesionalismul lor. Dar nu doar oameni din Sectorul de Dreapta au luat parte la luptele împotriva regimului corupt, lupta a fost susţinuă de majoritatea societăţii din Ucraina. Oamenii nu au murit pentru ideologia demoliberală sau pentru UE, ei au murit pentru Ucraina, pentru independenţa lor, pentru justiţie social-economică, pentru dreptate în general. Cât despre ce credem despre guvernul actual, suntem realişti. Pe de-o parte, vedem o mulţime de tendinţe negative în guvern. Dar pe cealaltă parte încercăm să nu îl criticăm prea mult în acest moment deoarece înţelegem cât de serioasă este ameninţarea din partea Rusiei. Fiind sub această ameninţare, nu putem lupta prea mult. Astăzi, revoluţia naţională nu s-a terminat. S-au schimbat nişte oameni în guvern, dar sistemul a rămas la fel. Sectorul de Dreapta va face totul pentru ca revoluţia naţională să continue, însă folosind metode mai paşnice.

-O parte semnificativă dintre români este sensibilă la situaţia conaţionalilor noştri care trăiesc între graniţele statului ucrainean. După cum se ştie ei şi-au pierdut unele drepturi odată cu schimbarea regimului, respectiv statutul de limbă regională pe care l-a avut limba română. Aţi fost  făcuţi responsabili pentru asta şi acuzaţi de şovinism şi anti-românism. Care este atitudinea voastră faţă de comunitatea românească din Ucraina? Limba română îşi va redobândi statutul de limbă regională?

Cred că românii în Ucraina sunt într-o situaţie mai bună decât ucrainenii în România. Românii au statul lor naţional. Ucrainenii nu au astfel de stat. Ucraina independentă nu a făcut nimic pentru interesele naţiunii ucrainene, nici înăuntrul Ucrainei, nici în afara ei. Asta este o mare problemă. Am spus de nenumarate ori că nu suntem şovini şi minorităţile etnice nu ar trebui să se teamă de noi. Suntem naţionalişti, de aceea respectăm celelalte naţii. Înţelegem de ce este important pentru oamenii din diferite culturi să-şi menţină identitatea şi cultura în Ucraina. Cu toate acestea, facem diferenţa între a-ţi conserva cultura pe de-o parte, dar pe de altă parte ai pretenţii teritoriale faţă de Ucraina. De exemplu, în Zakarpattia, ungurii au tot ce au nevoie pentru a-şi conserva cultura. În viaţa de zi cu zi, ungurii şi ucrainenii trăiesc în pace şi armonie acolo. Cu toate astea, acolo există şi organizaţii naţionaliste ale ungurilor care încercă să-i întoarcă pe ungurii de acolo împotriva ucrainenilor, susţinând că acolo nu este pământul ucrainenilor. Acest lucru aste inacceptabil. Aşa trebuie să fie şi cu minoritatea română. Românii trebuie să ştie limba ucraineană, să recunoască pamântul pe care trăiesc ca teritoriu al Ucrainei. Dacă fac asta, vor avea toate drepturile necesare. Oricum, dacă românii încep să spună că nu vor sa cunoască limba ucraineană, încep să-şi dobândească paşapoarte româeşti şi să promoveze ideea de "Românie Mare" (incluzând şi teritorii din Ucraina), pentru noi asta ar fi inacceptabil. Global, Sectorul de dreapta susţine consolidarea maximală a legăturilor dintre popoarele din centrul şi estul Europei. De exemplu, noi vrem ca Ucraina, Polonia, Ungaria şi România să aibă relaţii foarte strânse. Dar pentru a se întâmpla asta, pe de-o parte trebuie să uităm toate pretenţiile teritoriale, iar pe cealaltă parte trebuie să apărăm drepturile minorităţilor naţionale. Simt că ţările noaste au mare potenţial şi avem o mulţime de şanse să devenim rampa de lansare pentru renaşterea unei Europe Creştine.

-Acţiunile separatiste din Crimea sunt tot mai violente şi evidente, toată lumea concluzionează că regiunea va fi alipită la Federaţia Rusă. Cum va reacţiona Sectorul, de vreme ce armata se arată a fi neputincioasă? (Interviu realizat înainte de alipirea regiunii Crimeea la Federaţia Rusă - n.b.)
Situaţia se schimbă pe zi ce trece. Evenimentele se pot schimba într-o mulţime de sensuri. Încercăm să lucrăm cu guvernul cât de mult se poate pentru a ne apăra integritatea teritorială. Sper că unele dintre planurile noaste vor funcţiona.

-Cum reuşiţi să conciliaţi opoziţia voastră binecunoscută faţă de aderarea Ucrainei la UE şi NATO cu decizia guvernului de a integra ţara în cele două structuri?

Sectorul de Dreapta nu este un membru al guvernului curent, și nu suntem de acord cu tot ce face guvernul. În legătură cu așa-numita "îndreptare spre Europa", este justificată până la o limită: mai mult o cooperare economica cu țările din Europa pentru a fi mai puțin dependenți economic de Rusia. Însă în ceea ce privește statutul de membru în EU sau NATO, suntem împotrivă. Noi înțelegem ca o astfel de poziție bazată pe principii nu poate fi prea populară, pentru că mulți ucraineni au iluzii în legătură cu EU, sau pur și simplu nu văd altă cale pentru a combate amenințarea Rusiei. Oricum, vom face tot ce putem, prin propagandă, pentru a schimba situația.

-Aţi declarat că în cazul în care Crimeea va adera la federaţia rusă Sectorul va declanşa atentate la adresa intereselor economice ruseşti din Ucraina. Acum secesiunea Crimeei este o realitate. Veţi trece la acţiuni radicale de sabotaj economic sau reevaluaţi situaţia?

Ca o regulă, măsuri așa de radicale nu sunt de discutat înainte de fapte. Multe vor depinde de cum se vor desfășura evenimentele.

-Câteva cuvinte pentru naţionaliştii români?
Le urez naționaliștilor români toate cele bune și să își aducă aminte că e o mare diferență între naționalism și șovinism. Vreau să le urez succes în lupta lor și  victorii care să ajute toată Europa.


середа, 26 березня 2014 р.


"Right Sector" in Rivne made a statement concerning the murder of Sashko Bilyi.

Today the funeral of Olexandr Muzychko was attended by the hundreds of fighters of "Right Sector. " Among them was also the leader of organization Dmytro Yarosh. "Right Sector" accuses of the murder of Sashko Bilyi the Interior Minister Avakov.

"Sashko Bilyi was one of those people who wanted to change the system.  Avakov, you bastard, you killed Sashko. He knew that you were going to kill him. You gave this criminal order, whereas you could stop. Therefore, you will bear responsibility for this. You, Avakov, and the commander of Special Forces who gave the order to shoot will be jailed," said the representative of "Right Sector" Olexandr Pantyuhov.

вівторок, 25 березня 2014 р.

Communism in Russia: past and present

Among the arguments put forward by some European pseudonationalists justifying Putin’s aggression in Crimea is that Russians have no direct link to Communism. Although such arguments do not directly have to do with today’s conflict between Russia and Ukraine, they fit into general trends of Rusophilia.

The view that Russian Bolshevism is the responsibility not of Russians, but of Jews is quite widespread. Among those who organized the 1917 Bolshevik revolution there were indeed many Jews. Overall, the role of Jews in different anti-traditionalist revolutions is a complicated subject; one that must be studied not only by looking at politics, but also metaphysical and theological factors. The role of Jews in the 1917 revolution and the further existence of the USSR was not absolute, however.

First of all, Bolshevism’s roots lie in cerain spiritual specifics of the Russian nation. For Russians, extreme collectivism and sympathy to despotism is common. This is not merely a claim by “Ukrainian chauvinists”. Even Russian philosopher Nikolai Berdyaev claimed that Bolshevism is a product of Russian spirituality. It’s quite interesting that on ethnic Russian territories (territories of the former Grand Duchy of Moscow), there were almost no uprisings against Bolshevism. The anti-Bolshevik White Movement was spread in Kuban (where it was quite linked to the Ukrainian movement), Don, Siberia and the far east. In other words, ethnic Russian territories could not create their own Vendee, because they either supported, or thought neutrally of the Bolshevik revolution.

Secondly, although many Jews were among the Bolsheviks, different forms of anti-Semitism were spread in the USSR. For instance, Judaism was suppressed. On the other hand, political Zionism was also suppressed. In this sense, saying the USSR was run by Jews is nonsense (overall, primitive anti-Semitism and simplifying the problem of the Jews is a big mistake. For example, one cannot say modern Zionists and Jews in Iran are the same, indeed, many Jews in Iran are quite loyal to the Islamic Republic. Jews who helped the Ukrainian Insurgent Army and the anti-Bolshevik fight of the Ukrainian people cannot be viewed the same as those Jews who served in the NKVD.

Thirdly, the Bolshevik revolution and existence of the USSR worked for the imperialistic interests of the Russian nation (albeit, as always, imperialism ended in national collapse). The revolution of 1917 kept Russia as an empire. Soon after, the Communist ideology became a new form of Russian imperialism. It was during the USSR that denationalization and Russification of the enslaved peoples of the empire was at its strongest. The Communist government had a model of multiculturalism similar to that of USA. But, despite this, the absolute dominant culture was the Russian culture (actually, the Russian culture was the heart of Soviet culture).

Has the situation changed today? After 1991, the Communist ideology lost its monopoly status, and Russian society has been influenced by many destructive western influences. The base ideology of modern Russia is liberalism. Yet, despite this many Russians maintain sympathy for the Communist past. The situation has become so absurd that even the Russian Orthodox church has defended the Communist past. Putting Caesar’s ahead of God’s and forgetting the martyrs killed by the anti-Christian Bolshevik government, Patriarch Kirill has on numerous occasions glorified the USSR and even banned criticism of Stalin. Today sympathy to the Communist past is the main justification for spreading imperialist moods through Russian society.

Sashko Bilyi: Présent!

The new government has started obvious terror against Ukrainian nationalists. In the night of March 24 to 25 the police forces killed one of the leaders of the Right Sector, Olexander Muzychko (Sashko Bilyi). The armed policemen attacked him; he defended himself by shooting back and injured one of the attackers. However, he was then wounded in the leg, captured and shot to death with 2 gunshots into heart.

Sashko Bilyi was a legend of the modern nationalistic movement in Ukraine. In the 90s he was fighting against the Russian occupants in the volunteer UNSO units in Chechnya. Ukrainian nationalists supported the Chechen people in the I. and II. Russian-Chechen war. The relations became worse and declined later after the Chechen liberation movement was monopolized by the Wahhabis. During the war he showed outstanding bravery, heroism and military skills. He was a real Kshatriya.

Thus, the new demo-liberal power shows its obvious antinational face. It plays at give-away with Moscow aggressors and at the same time sells our national interests to the US, IMF and other globalist structures. Now it starts terror against nationalists. Therefore, it is quite logical to expect a new wave of Revolution in the nearest future.

неділя, 23 березня 2014 р.

In France last night... Merci beaucoup

European "human rights organizations" expressed support for the Communist Party of Ukraine

Several "human rights organizations" as well as a number of prominent EU lawyers declared their support to the Communist Party of Ukraine. Moreover, lobby interviews inside the European Parliament have led to setting up a special expert group aiming to analyze the activity of "particular structures calling for a ban of the Communist Party".
"We are ready to support Ukrainian communists in their struggle against the elements that used to call call fascist, - said the Italian movement "Clean Hands" activist Giancarlo Tonny. - We call the whiole civilized world to resist the development of fascism in Ukraine".

The bill # 4478 ("On prohibition of the Communist Party of Ukraine") was registered in Ukrainian Parliament last week. A little bit earlier, during the active phase of the revolutionary struggle, the Communists suffered from numerous attacks conducted by nationalists and ordinary citizens. There were some Comminist Party offices that were captured by rebels (including their central office situated in Kyiv). More than a hundred of monuments to Lenin and other Bolshevik leaders have been eliminated all over Ukraine (the most important monuments to Lenin were earlier under srong police protection and any attempts to their damage ware severely punished).

Over the last twenty years of Ukrainian independence the Communist Party of Ukraine has been a faithful ally of the oligarchic clans. The party is very similar to the Western cultural Marxists on this issue. Cultural Marxist movements are servants of big business. So there is nothing surprising for us in the fact that Western "anti-fascists" raise the hype around the fight against communism in Ukraine.

субота, 22 березня 2014 р.

Ignorance, bribery or hypocrisy? (a few words on "Golden Dawn")

Ukraininan nationalists have been keeping vigilant watch on Greek "Golden Dawn"'s success. Every victory gained by this political party was considered to be a contribution into the whole Europeans success. After some overt repressions against "Golden Dawn" had taken place Ukrainian nationalists expressed their warm support to the party.

There were lots of graffiti flash mobs in our towns aiming to support repressed members of "Golden Dawn". October 28th was the day when Greek embassy in Ukraine was picketed by Ukraininan nationalists. The event ended in bombing the embasy with smoke pots. Those who actually initiated the picketing were "Tryzub" (national movement and the core of the Right Sector) and the Committee for Liberation of Political Prisoners (human rights movement aiming to protect repressed nationalists). The official statement of Ukrainian nationalists (see below) reveals the parallels drawn between both Ukrainian and Greek struggles.

That is why current statements made by "Golden Dawn" representatives concerning Ukraininan events seem to be very hypocritical. Lots of Ukrainian nationalists are disappointed by this fact and consider "Golden Dawn" is simply working off Russian money.

Statement about picketing Greek embasy in order to support "Golden Dawn" activists being repressed

The act of picketing Greek embassy shows the strong will to express our solidarity with the Greek patriots who have become victims of their own country's corrupt government. We are not sharing the whole scope of "Golden Dawn"s ideological principles but, at the same time, we are sincerely supporting its activists, as we have clear understanding of the cause for repressions. It is the sequence of actions targeting to defend the national interests of the Greek people.

The current situation in Greece strongly resembles the one in Ukraine - we are under oppression of internal occupation. The only difference is that the Ukrainians have not yet managed to rebubild a full-blown nationalistic state whilst the Greeks have already lost it in the process of integration into globalist organizations. Greek nationalists advocated the idea of exclusion Greece from the EU membership and proposed the concept of resistance to the multinational capital forces. Having proved sincerity and correctness of these beliefs in practice, they have gained considerable people's support, and this fact couldn't but frighten Greek authorities whose only concern was implementing the Brussel's will, not the interests of their own people.

While expressing support for the Greek patriots we also want to attract attention of the Ukrainians and provide them with understanding concerning those issues that are waiting for us on the way to European integration. European Union is firts of all an ideological project built on the principles of liberalism. Liberalism and nationalism are incompatible notions, and repression of "Golden Dawn" is a convincing example of that. Therefore, after the EU Association Agreement is being signed the only thing that we can expect is a new act of anti-nationalistic policy implemented by the internal occupation regime of Ukraine, as well as increased pressure on the Ukrainian nationalist forces. Since the signing of the Association Agreement is almost irreversible, we urge all the Ukrainians to team up around the national idea and struggle for obtaining the Ukrainian Independent State.

Under the banner of national revolution, against the regime of internal and imperialist occupation of Moscow and the West! Long live the National Revolution! Long Live the Modern Reconquista which will free European nations from oppression of totalitarian liberalism!

Dmytro Jarosh about Christianity and Nationalism

The example of liberal Europe proves that there is no space for God and Church where this [liberal] "values" dominate. Temples are thinning out and closing, people are degenerating and dying out, and Islam or various sects come to replace Christianity. It is understandable, because liberalism as well as socialism and communism are materialistic doctrines which set human above God, lead to decreasing the influence and authority of Church and weaken its ''gravity force'' which unites nation in one monolith.

Nowadays drawing Ukrainian nationalists' position together with the position of Church is one of the questions of urgent importance. Ukrainian nationalists are accused by different materialists in so-called "untolerancy", "violence" and uncompromising "fanaticism", but in fact it is the manifestation of immense love for God and nation of their own, love for fatherland, faith, customs and traditions, love for all that spiritual values which are cultivated by Church.

Ukrainian history is full of examples, when various "liberal intellectuals" turned tails and fleed when Church had to be defended, and Ukrainian nationalists devoted their lives to it. Therefore, we, nationalists, are calling for hierarchs of Ukrainian Christian Church to mobilize the efforts of its church members to struggle against the inland occupation regime and create one more column of Ukrainian Revolution which may also be the most powerful ever.

(From the book by Dmytro Jarosh "The Appeal to Sworn Brothers")

Dear readers of our portal!

Our humble internet portal has existed only for 10 days. However, over this time we've been able to translate around 15 articles about Ukrainian nationalism. Currently, the main goal for every Ukrainian nationalist is defending his motherland from Russian aggression. However, we do not forget about improving the image of Ukrainian nationalists amongst our western brothers.

Over the last few months, Ukrainians have demonstrated miracles of dedication and heroism. They defeated fear itself and overthrew the corrupt Yanukovych regime, the regime that robbed our people and sold us and our national interests to Moscow and Western imperialists. Nationalists were at the centre of this fight. Can you imagine what it would be like if tomorrow the French people overthrew socialist dictator Hollande? We would all like to believe that it will happen one day. Indeed, in Ukraine something similar happened - and we can be proud of this.

Many European nationalists understand the potential of the national revolution in Ukraine. However, others are not quite aware what is happening in Ukraine. One of the reasons for that is a lack of accurate information in English. By creating this site, we aim to at least partially solve this problem.

Our site is independent. We do not represent any nationalist movement in Ukraine. However, because the most active and most nationalistic position is put forward by Right Sector, we will give the most attention to them.

In the future we plan on not only covering what is currently going on in Ukraine, but also help readers of our site learn more about the history and ideology of the Ukrainian nationalist movement. Ukrainian nationalism has had many interesting thinkers and theorists. Elements of traditionalism and the conservative revolution are an inherent part of Ukrainian nationalism. We hope we'll be able to show western readers these interesting pages of our intellectual history.

In exchange, we ask western brothers to spread information about our site. Our site is new and needs to be promoted. You are free to spread material from our site on social networks, forums, anywhere! Remember that truth is the main weapon of those fighting Against the Modern World!

The streets of Kyiv

пʼятниця, 21 березня 2014 р.

Ukrainian nationalists from the very beginning of the protests were against joining the EU

The rhetoric of many European nationalists regarding the Right Sector movement is quite strange. The only justification for this can be a lack of information regarding the actual views of Ukrainian nationalists. 

For quite some time, Ukrainian nationalists have been actively putting forth opposition to Ukraine joining the EU and NATO. These efforts became much stronger in the summer and fall of 2013, when then anti-Ukrainian dictator Viktor Yanukoyvch was very pro-EU and doing everything to join it (it's worth mentioning that Yankovych was one of the first officials in Ukraine to officialy start legalizing LGBT).

When Yanukovych ended politics of trying to join the EU and decided to get closer to imperialist Moscow, mass protests started in Ukraine. Nationalists joined these protests, but did not support the slogans regarding the need to join the EU. Quite telling, in this sense, is the appeal of the Tryzub movement (the movement that ended up founding and being the main part of Right Sector) from November 20th 2013. In this appeal, Tryzub clearly stated: "We, Ukrainian nationalists, support the idea of working economically with countries in Europe and signing agreements for this, if these agreements don't conflict our national interests. However, limiting ourselves to only a bit and not aiming for all that belongs to us means preparing ourselves for strategic failure. At the same time, we feel that the Eurohisteria now present in Ukraine is irrelevent and, above all, distracts Ukrainians from the main thing: there is no alternative other than a national revolution. We are AGAINST Ukraine joining the EU, because we understand well that the only thing European in the EU is the name. Antichristianity, liberal totalitarianism, multiculturalismn pseudotolerance, destroying the very roots of European peoples, artifically replacing Europeans with emigrants from Asia and Africa, the promotion of satanism and types of satanism: atheism, homosexual dictatorship, consumerism and so forth - at the very base of these we see how true national and human ideals, including Ukrainian nationalism, are different from this new form of pseudoeuropean imperialism. We must say, unfortuantely, that the modern EU is a new type of imperialist creation, whose main function is destroying nations - and thus is a threat to the very existance of the Ukrainian nation". 

It's worth remembering, that during January and February 2014 many Ukrainians became dissapointed in the EU and NATO because they did nothing to remove the Yanukovych oligarch regime in terms of sanctions and etc (in reality, the west did not want to remove his regime, but merely change the geopolitical orientation of the regime). However, when Russia started armed aggression in Crimea, Ukrainians again started look towards the west, started talking about joining the EU and NATO. Yet,the cowardice politics of the west towards Russia is dissapointing Ukrainians and showing them, that we can only rely on ourselves. This creates a perfect atmosphere for promoting nationalist ideas. 

четвер, 20 березня 2014 р.

Andriy Biletskyi: "Personally I believe in the second revolution"

The head of the power bloc "Right Sector-East" Andriy Biletskyi does not exclude that in Ukraine might happen another revolution.

"Personally I believe in the second revolution, because the task is not even 30% complete. Believe me, they quickly recover. Believe me, in Kharkiv everything is decided by the "regionals" solely. Their structure has not collapsed. They enter the collusion with the current regime very quickly. And I believe that we need the second revolution. Which it will be and when, at the moment it is very difficult to say, but it will necessarily happen," said at a briefing Biletskyi.

He noted that people who stood on Maidan lent credence to the current government for the purpose of protection of national interests.

"Now this credibility is falling all the time due to surrendering Crimea without a fight... This government has little legitimacy limit - until the election. They have little time. We treat them more and more critically," said Biletskyi.

P.S. Also Andriy Biletskyi called National Guard "a fiction," although initially Right Sector was not against this idea, underlined that revolutionaries do not want to obey police and their former oppressors and proclaimed creation of Russian Legion. Soon will come first Russian volunteers from St. Petersburg who're going to fight with Ukrainians against the Kremlin.

середа, 19 березня 2014 р.

Ihor Zahrebelnyi: Yevgen Onazkyi and the Twilight of the West

Yevgen Onazkyi was born on January 14, 1894 in the family of the historian Dometiy Onazkyi in the small town of Gluhiv. He studied in the history and philosophy department of the Kyiv University. Having a general respect among the students, Onazkyi became the students’ representative in the Central Council (Rada) in Kyiv in 1917. Later, due to his diplomatic duties, he moved at first to Paris and then to Rome where he lived up to his arrest by the Germans in 1943. Supporting the nationalistic ides, Onazkyi entered the OUN (Organization of the Ukrainian Nationalists) in 1929, got to know the colonel Konovalez, became one of his closest companions and publishes his works in several nationalistic periodicals. At the same time, he was teaching in Naples and then in Rome. After the World War II was over, he was released and moved to Argentina where he continued his active civil activities.

Living in Italy, he became a witness of the fascists coming to power – not a grotesque scarecrow which is still used by the lefts and liberals to scare the average citizen, but the mighty political movement which was trying to save the own land and the whole Europe from the decline abyss. Onazkyi understood the huge potential of the fascists’ revolution and in his publications showed the positive aspects of the fascists’ reality.

Perhaps, the philosopher idealized the movement led by Mussolini and wasn’t able to criticize it “from the right” as it was done by Julius Evola. But the fascism had really something to be loved for, as this political and spiritual movement started the sacred fight – fight against “materialistic Marxism which ruled over the working people; against demoliberalism which ruled in state authorities; against parliamentarism which put the legislative power over the executive, paralyzing its activities; against internationalism which put the vital interests of the nation on the altar of dubious abstract ideologies; against pacifism which weakened the energy and the moral resistance of the nations; against excessive individualism which sacrificed the interests of the whole to the interests of the separate individuals or groups; against excessive collectivism (communism) which destroyed the private initiative and possibility of developing the individual abilities…”

Onazkyi was attracted not only by the nationalistic character of fascism but also by those elements of the conservative revolution which it expressed. That’s why he to some extent “popularized” fascism on the Ukrainian grounds, however stressing that the Ukrainian and Italian people exist under very different conditions, as “fascism was born and acted the whole activity in the limits of its own country, in the opposition to its own government, on its own national territory and meant not creating a new state but renewal of the old state. Meanwhile, the Ukrainian nationalistic movement faces foreign government, has no own national state and its main representatives are located on foreign territory. Only this very difference is so essential that it’s leading to quite a number of differences in tactics and activities of relevant alignments”.

Having a positive attitude to the Italian fascism, Onazkyi didn’t spare the German national-socialism. Undoubtedly, fascism and nazism had quite a few in common, and Onazkyi underlined this: “Both movements are purely national movements which are based on the nation as ethical, social and historical unity. Both are the people’s, mass movements as they are based on the people and care about satisfaction of their demands and interests, and at the same time educate the people in such way that the will of individuals would be subordinated to the will of the organized collective and that the people develop the strong discipline and self-sacrifice for the benefit of the collective which will finally be the organized people, that is nation. Both of them are ethical movements which out the political ideals over economic interests and have the slogans of “ethical state” which cares about educating its citizens, as well as define the “politics as the highest ethics”. Both of them pay more attention to the collective forma that to the individual “freedoms”. Both of them tend to the unitary construction of the nation as the necessary base of the national solidarity in the world competition. Both of them recognize as necessary existence of the strong authoritative power for the right developing of the political life of the nation. Both of them deny the necessity and unavoidability of the class fight and put as prevailing cooperation of all working forces of the nation where every social stratum is a necessary part of the national organism”.

According to Onazkyi: “The victory of the national socialism in Germany rose huge satisfaction in fascists’ Italy at first: fascists considered the national socialists to be their brothers-in-arms in the fight against the old, obsolete world and the national socialism to be the branch of that “universal fascism” which, with Rome as its spiritual centre, had to revive Europe after decline caused by the ruling demoliberal and socialistic doctrines”. However, the German national socialism had much negative which could be criticized both from the position of the Italian fascism and Ukrainian nationalism. Onazkyi criticized the nazism first of all for its anti-Christianity, racism and imperialistic chauvinism.

Onazkyi’s critics of the German national socialism was very well-aimed as it targeted the very essence of its “heresies” which in fact led to the defeat of not only Germany but also the whole Europe. Though it could end in quite a different way..  Perhaps, several national-conservative, “fascistic” revolutions couldn’t bring Europe to the Middle Ages und defeat the Modern, however they could have stopped the decline, socialism and liberalism as well as the orgy of capitalism. If not the demon-possessed Hitler, morbid imperialism, satanic denial of Christianity…

After the World War II Onazkyi continued standing for the Christian, nationalistic-conservative positions. With even stronger ardour he went on attacking the demoliberal ideology and the capitalistic social and economic system. He criticized technocracy which is just squashing the human being and causes physical and spiritual degeneration as well as the bourgeois social and economic system which puts people on limit of the mental insanity. He opposed the labour as creation and struggle to the capitalistic and socialistic forms of alienated or diverted labour. With these ideas, to some extent, he resembles the German nationalist philosopher Ernst Jünger. Onazkyi defined the labour as “service to the Motherland”, “distinction of the spiritual aristocrats”, “prayer for God”.

As we see, living “in the twilight of the West”, Onazkyi was trying to fight against the darkness of the materialistic doctrines and was rejoicing at each ray of light of the Reconquista. However, it’s most likely that one cannot stop the sun motion across the skies of the World History. Anyway, this should scare us off: the dawn will definitely break out, if not in this life, then in life after death. Heading towards in the darkness, we have to fearlessly light up the torches not to get lost on the way to our heavenly homeland. Nothing bad happens if our fire will also burn some shacks built by the Antichrist…

The "Right Sector" is against joining NATO and/or EU

The leader of the "Right Sector" Dmytro Yarosh was interviewed during the program "Events" on the TV channel "Ukraine".

During the interview he commented on the EU and NATO. "Right Sector" did not advocate and does not support Ukraine joining the European Union. We believe that Ukraine should be a subject, not an object of geopolitics. We support a non-aligned status. Just like miners of Donbass, we oppose NATO bases in Ukraine, that is, we are against NATO membership for Ukraine. We will talk with both people who are in favour of European Union and those who are in favour of a union with Russia. I emphasize: we support Ukraine being a non-aligned country," said Yarosh.

The schizophrenia of the Russian logos

Russian "patriots" in Odessa. Portrait of Stalin and the flags of the Romanov dynasty. Communist symbols and icons of the Orthodox

вівторок, 18 березня 2014 р.

Dmytro Jarosh: Globalism – The enemy of mankind

Ukraine is a European country, Ukrainians are a European nation. This has been the case for thousands of years. Nobody doubts that. But is the present-day Europe European itself? That is actually the question.

The imperial past of most leading European countries is pulling them down. Mass multimillion migration that never stops, influences on the settlement of the British, Germans, French, Spaniards, Italians and others among immigrants from Africa and Asia. Secularism and Islamization are changing the Christian nations into the religiously uncertain people and are killing the soul of the Europeans. The various "left" power and opposition parties actively promote and cultivate sodomy, depravity, drug addiction, legalize euthanasia and killing children (abortions), and try to legitimize and intensify pseudoscientific researches - cloning animals and humans. Europe is slowly but steadily losing its face, turning into a horrible inhuman monster.

The European Union is using anti-Christian and anti-European forces as well. Eliminating of borders and differences between nations destroys traditional European nations and their states. The EU increasingly resembles another Union – the Soviet Union. There was only one difference. Communist totalitarianism dominated in Soviet Union, and in the EU today liberal democratic totalitarianism is getting more and more powerful.

The foreign policy of the EU and its major players – Great Britain, Germany and France - as always, stands out to be open to bribery and corruption. Today we can observe how they surrender Georgia and Ukraine to Moscow point-by-point. Yesterday we saw how they were shamelessly destroying the Christian Serbia and Macedonia. And it is unclear what was there more: countering the Serbian imperialism or helping the Muslim Albanians to prepare the ground for “The Great Albania" foundation.

It’s not necessary to talk much about the United States. This state was established by the Freemasons and they have been ruling it until now on. Now this is the only Super Empire that is trying to control the world. This country sticks its nose where it doesn’t belong, often getting into troubles after that (situations in Iraq and Afghanistan). Counteracting the nationalisms and fundamental Christian principles - this is the mission of modern America. Thus, according to various sources, the actual American nationalism is strongly suppressed by the U.S. governmental authorities. And that is as a natural result. As you know, the U.S. and the EU are almost completely controlled and their policy is subject to global multinational corporations that are directly involved, including those supporting the internal occupation regime of the Ukrainian nation. This is the third anti-Ukrainian frontline.

They are fighting against us, using the methods and effects similar to those of Moscow. But their imperialism is now called globalization.

(From the book by Dmytro Jarosh "UKRAINIAN REVOLUTION: XXI Century", 2009)

понеділок, 17 березня 2014 р.

Olena Semenyaka: Horizons of Ukrainian revolution

Right Sector. Horizons of Ukrainian revolution... Even when the geopolitical difference between the West and Russia still existed, Russia didn't fully met the defintion of the telluric power. I've already commented on Carl Schmitt's opposition between the Nomos of Sea (the thalassocratic, atlanticist powers) and the Nomos of Earth (telluric, continental bloc) with regard to USA and Russia, which has always been taken by Dugin for granted. Harun (Vadim) Sidorov, the author of the article "Russian State as a Nomad, a Natural Anarchist and Technocrat" (in Russian: http://ttolk.ru/?p=12600) fairly remarks that Russian identity has always been more nomadic (the Asian mobility), as opposed to European peasantry that is directly tied to the land where it lives and which it defends (definition of Partisan by Carl Schmitt, and by the way, self-description of the followers of Stepan Bandera). Russian state traditions have always been notable for the high bureaucratic centralization (monarchism-absolutism-despotism), as opposed to European high vertical mobility and the emphasis on the rights of aristocracy and local liberties; serfdom existed in Russia for a long time, till the very outbreak of revolution.

In this article Harun Sidorov thoroughly analyzes Dugin's Eurasianist geopolitical theory and refutes the very foundation of the latter. You know that Dugin believes that the world has become one-polar (USA is an absolute hegemon), that's why all who are connected with USA, serve their interests or help them somehow are "enemies," also in Carl Schmitt's sense. "There is only the geopolitical truth," "the third is not given," etc., so the multipolar world in the end turns out to be a binary space that consists of USA and Russia. The truth is another: the world has become one-polar indeed, but namely because Russian establishment (Kremlin) is no different from the neoliberal West: their struggle is the matter of power, not essentially different cultural-civilizational projects. Quoted by me on many occasions Russian-Ukrainian scientist, geopolitician and military Oleg Bakhtiyarov also beleives that today geopolitics loses its importance. But Harun Sidorov shows that Russian empire as long as it's empire couldn't represent the Nomos of Earth even before the end of the second world war.

Dugin's main argument is the myth of the hostile atlanticist agents that "conquer and divide" the telluric powers and Slavic nations (like Ukrainians and Russians, by convincing Ukrainians that "they are a separate nation that can affirm itself only if it defeats Russia"), but this argument fails as soon as we realize that 1) historically Russian allies have always been namely thalassocratic, atlanticist states, and it happened many times, in spite of the German conservative-revolutionary projects of continental blocs like "Berlin-Moscow-Tokyo": both during the first and the second world war Russia allied with atlanticist England against telluric, terrestrial Germany; besides, Russia fought against Napoleon, the representative of the coninental European forces, who offered Russia to join his battle against England and take away its colonies. Each time when such a possibility appeared, happened either conspiracy, or overthrow. 2) Ukrainians, as opposed to Russians, have European rather than Russian models of government: representatives of different estates had the possibility to raise their social status, which was even higher than in Poland (Oleg Odnorozehko); Hetman, the leader of Cossack state, equaled to European Prince, not monarch (tsar); Ukrainian Cossack state combined authoritarian hierarchic tradition with the democratic electoral institutions.

Models of government and the continental identity are directly interconnected: Harun Sidorov is right when he says that Dugin missed the main essence of the Nomos of Earth, the same as the fact that Schmitt developed his theory as a lawyer and a philosopher of politics. The "continental identity" does not automatically follows from the fact that certain state is overland, not an island country, and grows vegetables instead of trading and so on; the Nomos of Earth is derived from the verb "nemein" that means both "share" and "herd"; it's a "measure" that "divides the surface of the Earth" and makes "spacially visible political and social order of the people, the first measurement and demarcation of the grazing" (Schmitt). In other words, it's a matter of law and order, not sea and land as such. And Russian "internal structure has always been an opposite of the Nomos of the Earth - the complete absence or underdevelopment, non-proliferation of personal property, personal space, guarantees and the inviolability of private interests, and, at all levels - not only driven into slavery grassroots population, but also the feudal aristocracy and burghers from tensions between which grew the legal and social order, the Nomos of the continental Europe" (H.S.). That's why Russia has always tried to expand, in the times of USSR - across the whole world, but not incidentally in the end all its geopolitical acquirements like Ukraine separated - for they have different Nomos of Earth, more precisely, they simply have the latter, as opposed to imperialistic Russia. So the difference between USA and Russia on the fundamental level does not exist, for Russia acts like the sea British empire.

Even Nikolai Berdiayev wrote that Russians are "the most anarchist and nomadic people on Earth," they are against law and state, which was peculiar both for real leftist anarchists like Bakunin and Kropotkin and "right-wing" Slavophiles like Dostoievsky and Tolstoy. This is the first anarchist and nomadic line of Russian statehood. The second line is represented by the late Roman Caesarism that is reinforced by Russian dreams about the Third Rome, which is not justified both with regard to the Byzantine Empire that has never been a direct successor of Rome, nor with regard to original republican Rome that was a "nomocratic empire par excellence" and gave birth to classic Roman and European civil law. This is the second technocratic and ceasarist line of Russian statehood.

"This is late Rome, imperialist and caesarist, torn from its roots and paternal manners, which after the Edict of Caracalla ultimately turned into a multiracial mob, has become a tool of degeneration of Romans and suppression of the peoples that they conquered. This Caesarist mythology, designed to replace the simple and austere paternal manners, was inherited by Russian imperialism, Russian Roman myth." (H.S.)

Conclusion: Back to original Kyivan Rus' against the corrupt and entropic empires!

Appeal of DMYTRO YAROSH to the government of Ukraine and to the compatriots

The Government of Ukraine!

Dear compatriots!

I appeal to all of you. We - one nation, no matter what nationality is each of us - Ukrainian, Russian, Jewish, Crimean Tatar, Georgian, Armenian, Polish, Bulgarian, Greek, or anyone else.

In these anxious as never before times we must unite.

Russia pulls its troops to the Ukrainian border, defiantly rattling weapons, bullying Ukrainian citizens. Kremlin, ignoring international law and obligations, supports collaborators in Crimea, establishes a puppet regime. We must be prepared for the fact that the Russian authorities will not be able to quench their imperial ambitions and will ignite a war for annexation of new territories. Crimean Peninsula – tasty, but too small piece of land to appease the appetite of the empire. Moscow needs all Ukraine. A hundred years ago started the first world war for the redivision of the world. Now thanks to the efforts of Putin the world is on the verge of World War III, which will completely reshape the map of the world or even will bring the world to ruin.

I appeal to the government of Ukraine. Urgent need to prepare for a possible start of the Russian invasion. The government is obliged immediately:

Form the Supreme Headquarters;

Prepare Headquarters prior to action in defense of the territorial integrity and independence of Ukraine and opposing the invasion of occupation forces;

In the event of aggression declare the Patriotic War on the occupiers;

Declare the universal mobilization of the population, form the armed fighting forces;

Ensure supply of weapons from member countries of NATO;

Prepare for the destruction of weapons, vehicles and facilities of the Naval Forces of Ukraine which could fall into the hands of invaders and collaborators;

Bring supplies of weapons into the inland regions of country from warehouses located in areas which can be captured by the enemy;

Create a battalion of territorial defense;

Form a diversionary group of officers and warrant officers, ensigns, special forces reservists;

Develop a plan of the possible routes of the mechanized columns of Russian troops, prepare for the task of making surgical strikes on them;

Form guerrilla and sabotage groups that in case of occupation will operate in enemy territory.

We continue to hope that the potential conflict with Russia will be resolved diplomatically. But today's actions of the Kremlin regime show that Otto von Bismarck was right in saying "Contracts with Russia are not worth the paper on which they are written." Therefore, we must be ready to move into an active phase of resistance to invaders.

Compatriots! We must not let the enemy make a blitzkrieg in Ukraine.

By forces of Ukrainian patriots we should prevent any actions of the enemy in our territory.

If the boots of Russian soldiers trample our land, we will do our best to make the occupant pay dearly for it. We remember that Russia makes money by transferring oil and gas to the West through our pipe - so we will destroy this pipe, having deprived the enemy of this source of funding.

May the earth burn under the feet of the occupier, may he drown in his blood, having stepped on our territory.

Not a single step back! Do not let the run amok totalitarian regime in Moscow ignite World War III!

The leader of "Right Sector" Dmytro Yarosh

Freedom to the new political prisoners!

For the second wave of revolution! New authorities - new political prisoners. Freedom to the defenders of Rymarska St. in Kharkiv!

четвер, 13 березня 2014 р.

Tradition and modernity. Christianity and the struggle

Muchas Gracias

¡Muchas Gracias! | Many thanks to the Spanish organization "National-Revolutionary Action" (Acción Nacional Revolucionaria) that supported Ukrainian revolutionaries, Right Sector in particular, by holding a meeting "Sovereign Ukraine" against the imperialistic claims of the West ("Eurozionism") and the East, above all, - "Soviet" mafia and Eurasianist chauvinists! (Ukrainian embassy in Madrid, February 28). ¡Muchas Gracias!

Sviatoslav Vyshynsky: "I could never understand..."

I could never understand why for Russian conservatives Gottfried Benn, Moeller van den Bruck, Karl Wiligut, Herman Wirth, Knut Hamsun, Leon Degrelle, Corneliu Codreanu, Ezra Pound, Miguel Serrano, Martin Heidegger, Karl Haushofer, Carl Schmitt, Oswald Spengler, Julius Evola, Mircea Eliade, Ernst Jünger - are not fascists and, in general, are "nice guys," whereas Julian Vassiyan, Dmytro Dontsov, Yevhen Konovalets, Vyacheslav Lypynsky, Yuri Lypa, Jaroslav Stets'ko, Mykola Scyborsky, Roman Shukhevych and other little-known representatives of the Ukrainian Third Way - are "Nazis" and "Hitler's henchmen." Why Joseph Stalin, who blew up Christian churches, repressed the Church and millions of his own citizens, is an icon of Orthodox neo-Eurasianism, and Christian Stepan Bandera - is a scarecrow of the whole Russia whose "hands are stained with blood." Indeed, this logic is incomprehensible .

The same as "Russian Dasein" Picture:

"Anti-fascist" idols of neo-Eurasianism: Gottfried Benn, Moeller van den Bruck, Karl Wiligut, Herman Wirth, Knut Hamsun, Leon Degrelle, Corneliu Codreanu, Ezra Pound, Miguel Serrano, Martin Heidegger, Karl Haushofer, Carl Schmitt, Oswald Spengler, Julius Evola, Mircea Eliade, Ernst Jünger

In contrast to the "fascist" Stepan Bandera, were not prisoners of German concentration camps (1941-1944)

In contrast to the "Nazi" Roman Shukhevych, did not conduct armed struggle against Germany (1943-1944)

Russian Logos is incomprehensible"

Ihor Zahrebelnyi: The disintegration of Russia as an alternative to eurasian utopia

The conception of "disintegrating Russia" was developed by culturologist and philosopher of history Yuri Lypa in his book with the same title in 1941.

Oleh Bahan: "In the work "Disintegration of Russia" Yuri Lypa writes that Ukraine is the decisive geopolitical factor for the collapse of the Russian Empire - an artificial, oppressive and anti-national monster of international politics". The main conclusion of Lypas work, for Balan, is as follows: "Russia will be a burden and a threat for its neighbours until it starts focusing on building its own, ethnic Russian nation on its own lands, until it ends its imperialist politics".

The theses of Yuri Lypa resemble the general goals of Ukrainian nationalist geopolitical thought regarding the Russian problem (that is, destroying Russia as an empire while supporting the rights of Russians to their own ethnic state). Ukrainian nationalists did not, however, limit themselves to theory only. The national-liberation movement, led by the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, was in itself also an anti-imperialistic fight that aimed not only to free Ukrainian lands from Moscow-Bolshevik occupation, but also to destroy the Moscovia* empire in every form. To achieve this, Ukrainian nationalists actively worked with peoples of different nations, who themselves were subjected to Moscow imperialism (for instance, foreign divisions in the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, the Conference of the Captive Peoples of Eastern Europe and Asia in November 1943, the Antibolshevik Block of Peoples, and so forth). After proclaiming formal independence Ukrainian nationalists didn't abandon their own views of the problem of Moscow imperialism. Indeed, the help they gave to different members of the anti Russian-imperialist fight in the Caucasus region confirms this.

Destroying Russia as an empire was, is, and will be a strategic goal of Ukrainian nationalism. This stems from the vital interests of the Ukrainian people. But it's important to remember another reason why the destruction of the Moscow empire is extremely important, stemming from traditionalist, revolutionary conservative, anti-liberal and  anti-globalist positions.

The idea to write this came to me when I was talking to one of my "friends" on the social network Facebook. My friend is an Englishman, a supporter of the idea of a Conservative Revolution, who also has sympathies to the conception of Eurasianism. I'm almost certain, that there are many people like him in the west. And there are a few reasons for this.

The West as we know it has become a territory of degeneracy. Beyond the bright advertising and wealthy life of the western individual lingers a civilizational rot - the corpse of a once great civilization. Life in this swamp forces those who do not belong to the mainstream to search for an alternative. Some of them find this alternative in the West - Ex Oriented lux has not stopped attracting those Europeans who strive for the truth. At the same time, the hope from the east is often viewed as Russia. If during the age of progressive modernism western Europeans looked at Russia as a country of savages, understanding by "savagery" something negative, then today amongst them there exists a huge temptation to find in Russia an island of traditionalism, and a bastion of resistance to total (and, to be honest, totalitarian) liberalism.

The faith in Moscow messianism is reinforced by the fact that Russia, beyond any doubt, gave the world a huge amount of incredibly talented (if not ingenious) philosophers in the area of Conservative Christianity - Konstantin Leontiev, Nikolai Danilevsky, Fedor Dostoevsky, Vladimir Solovyov, Nikolai Berdyaev, Pavel Florensky, Geores Florovsky and others. Russia to this day holds a similar intellectual brand due to, by in large,  the unusual activities of well-known Russian philosopher and sociologist Alexander Dugin. Dugin has been able to successfully bring together his intellectual works with somewhat of a "marketing" of his own ideas. Bold views, confidence in his futuristic projections - all of it makes many intellectuals not only respect the philosophical position of Dugan, but with great sympathy look towards his ideas of Eurasianism.

It is, indeed, the passion of Dugin that has created pro-Moscow positions in many conservative western intellectuals. For many of them, Russia has become the center of traditionalist thought. In this sense, the view of Claudio Mutti, a guest at the first Russian Congress of Traditionalists is quite symbolic: "I was amazed with what I saw here, 20 years after my first trip here... I couldn't imagine that in 20 years,  traditionalism would be discussed on such a level with such enthusiasm. This is what differentiates it from all traditionalist gatherings I've been to in western Europe. I'd like to say, that... In western Europe, there's a completely different atmosphere. First of all, the audience that was gathered today, the amount of people here interested in traditionalism far surpasses anything we can get in even large western European capitals. Secondly, the traditionalism in western Europe is mostly conservative... Here, however, I saw a traditionalism with a creative and pioneering spirit. Even the fact that this congress is dedicated to post-modernism is a sign of an original and creative approach". Sympathies to Russian traditionalism exist not only in Mutti, but in a great number of other European intellectuals, such as Allen de Benua, Guillaume Faye and many other ideologs of the "new Right".

Denying the achievements of Russian intellectuals is impossible, and the problem, to be honest, has nothing to do with these achievements, but with the fact that through them, in the west they see the messianic purpose of Russia. It is not hard to understand why. A thirsty individual in a desert sees what he wants to see. Living in the darkness of European decay, those whom the dope of liberalism has not stopped from thinking, believing, and dreaming try to see some light in the dark hole of an decaying empire.

What exactly is modern Russia? Do her realities coincide with western illusions? Some try to see in Russia a powerful opponent of the United States, others - a fortress of Christianity, others - a "white empire", and others yet a successful example of peaceful existence of Muslim and Christian peoples (thank God, that in the west more and more people are discussing the idea of Christian and Muslim reconciliation in order to resist the forces of Satan). But what is Russia in reality?

First of all, a key illusion must be cleared in the heads of many readers who do not speak Russian regarding that very word - "Russian". In the Russian language, there currently exists two words that in English translate into "Russian". The word most English-speaking people think of and might know is "Russkiy", which means an ethnic identity, much like Polish, Ukrainian, etc. In Russia today, that word is used mostly to describe the Russian language. The word they will likely not know is "Rossiyanyn", which is a plastic, fake world that is used in modern-day Russia describing merely "citizens" of Russia, much like the "Soviet" people. Many see speeches by individuals such as Vladimir Putin translated into English and notice a very strong nationalist undertone, only, however, because of the fact that they do not understand Russian. Putin himself strongly avoids the world "Russkiy", as do all major media and politicians in modern-day Russia, and as such promote the multicultural discourse by using the word "Rossiyanyn", which denotes people living in Russia of all nationalities. Speeches by Putin where he discusses "Rossiyany" are essentially the same as speeches by western liberals when they talk of "citizens of all nationalities", "diversity", etc., except because of the word, there is no need to say anything like that - Rossiyanyn encompasses all of it.

Furthermore, we need to calm the hot heads of those, who, seeing the demographic destruction of their own peoples, see Russia as the saviour of the white race. It would be good if they took an interest in the latest statistics and found out what percent of Moscow, for example, comprises of ethnic Russians. For ethnic Russians, the same demographic processes exist as they do with every other European people. Somewhat different processes can be found in Muslim peoples, controlled by the Moscow Empire, and such process are definitely not in favour of Russians (however, Muslims also receive little advantage from this, but I'll discuss that later). A large part in the decreasing role of Russians in apparently their "own" state are starting to play immigrants as well, especially the Chinese.

The reasons for  the decline of the white population in Russia somewhat resemble similar processes in western Europe, but are also somewhat different. A shared trait is low morality, which is a result not only of de-Christianization, but also a lack of Christianization in the past. On the other hand, however, if in the west immigrants mostly come from other countries, then in Russia we see an inner-migration of peoples from non-ethnic Russian lands inside of Russia into ethnic-Russian lands inside of Russia. This is caused not only by uneven development of different regions, but also the ongoing war in the Caucasus region. Drowning the peoples of the Caucasus' in their own blood as they fight for their own state, the imperial government through that stimulates streams of refugees who migrate not only to ethnic Russian lands, but also  to western Europe.

It's important to remember that the described processes should not be viewed merely as "Islamization". Moving to Moscow, a Muslim often leaves his own religious principle and is tempted by the secular culture. Instead of a demographic Jihad, Muslims go onto the path of ethnic and religious marginality. As such, instead of a synergy of Christian and Muslim religious, in reality the imperialist nature of Russia brings about the conditions necessary for both the destruction of Russians as a people and the religious degradation of captive Muslim peoples.

Regarding the religion of the Russian people themselves, we should remember something. Christianity in Moscovia cannot be considered fruitless. It created a unique type of spirituality, many bright souls (because of it) found Christ. However the character of Moscovia Christianity was strongly introvert, filled with "spiritual and ascetic social Hesychasm" (Father Ivan Havanio"). Behind the spiritual feats of different monks we find too little evangelization of society. Instead of religious upbringing of the population, the vast majority of the Moscow clergy engaged in only glorifying ritualistic parts of religion. Religious life was changed by spiritually empty conducting of rituals. The nature of Moscow Christianity is his Caesaropapism, an unnatural serving of secular authorities. The direct result of this was the victory of the Bolshevik revolution, something mentioned by both foreign authors (for example, the Ukrainian Yevhen Malanyuk), as well as Russians themselves (the previously mentioned Nikolai Berdayev.

The entire nature of Moscow Christianity is illustrated by a simple statistic. Around a half of the parishes of the Moscow patriarchy are located in Ukraine, where, despite certain negative times in history it was always easier to spread the Good News. Furthermore, amongst Ukrainians themselves the highest level of spirituality and morality can be seen in the western part of Ukraine - in a region that suffered the least from Moscow imperialism (including Church imperialism).

Today, unfortunately, Moscow Christianity did not change its nature. The Moscow patriarchy seems more like a state institute than a Church. Imperialistic logic and a true sense of being, in the case of Russia, are mutually exclusive. As such, Russia is simply destined to become further de-Christianized. The only alternative is to stop putting what belongs to Cesar above what belongs to God not and to conform to the ways of the Satanic empire. Historical precedents of exactly that do exist, and, perhaps, only the prayers of martyrs, who remained true to Christ and didn't bow to the "Orthodox" or Communist King will save the Russian people from total decay. But so far, Christian non-conformism doesn't exist. There is patriarch Kyryl, who reports to Putin, and Russians - a people who were for centuries without true spiritual care, then became victims of the bolshevik experiment, and are now adopting western pseudo-values. Can such a Russia resist the center of Satanic imperialism - the United States?

As Yevhen Malanyuk once quite accurately noted, there exists a key similar trait between western Protestantism and Moscow Orthodoxy - the inability to oppose "the strong of this world". Perhaps, it is this shared trait that is the reason Moscow cannot become a true alternative to America. The standoff between quasi-Orthodox Russia and post-Protestant America is, essentially, a fake standoff with nothing behind it.

No one can deny that geopolitically, America and Russia are opponents. They are opponents, however, no more than Satan and the Antichrist are opponents. It is true that between them one can find certain differences - the US is an instrument in spreading Mondialism, a locomotive of globalization, Russia represents an imperial entity in the more classical sense of the world. Yet, behind these differences we find a metaphysical unity that shows it self in the development of world history.

America achieved global hegemony using the brand of fighting Communism. Similar geopolitical logic exists today. The revanchist moods of Russia force many peoples to look for protection in the west. Certain countries from the former socialist camp went this root, countries who were occupied by Russia in the USSR (the Baltic states and the Georgians). Through this, one imperialist forces independent peoples to become enslaved by another imperialist monster.

In fact, the logic of globalization as we know it today is exactly this: Russia loses control over a region, and immediately after, that region is captured by the ultra-liberal west. America, however, is not interested in the destruction of Russia as an empire - America wouldn't be able to handle such a large amount of geopolitical toys. It's no wonder the Bush-Senior in his day called upon Ukrainians to stay inside the Russian empire - western imperialists  were not, are not and will never be interested in seeing Ukraine as an independent geopolitical player. America would rather deal with one Russian empire than with dozens of national states or confederate entities.

What does the destruction of Russia as an empire offer?

First of all, the disappearance fof the Russian threat would allow the countries of Central and Eastern Europe to feel more independent in respect to the west. If anti-liberal forces in western Europe wait for a light from the East, that light can come from Eastern or Central Europe. It is this region that has preserved its truly European essence, it is this region where Conservative and nationalistic forces have strong positions, it is from here that the flame of the Reconquista can become ignited... Or, if this world is truly reaching its end, it is on the territory of central and eastern Europe that a pocket of Resistance can be formed.

Secondly, on top of the ruins of the Russian empire a national awakening of both Russians, as well as other ugro-finic peoples will take place, peoples who will be able to integrate into the reformed Europe. Collectively, these peoples can become a sort of "buffer zone" between Europe and Asia. It is this type of archaea futuristic picture that the destruction of Russia as an empire offers...

Of course, making exact predictions for the future is not possible. What can be exact, however, is an evaluation of current events, finding friends and enemies. He who wants to fight against this modern insanity must clearly understand, that successcannot be achieved fighting against Satan with the Antichrist, nor with the Antichrist fighting against Satan.

As a person who has an interest in philosophy and looks at the world through the eyes of a traditionalist, I indeed respect Dugin the intellectual. As a Ukrainian, however, I definitely view him negatively. No form of cognitive dissonance occurs here, because in my understanding, feelings of hostility and respect are not mutually exclusive, and in some cases organically united (unfortunately, today another approach is mainstream, the approach of plebeians, whereby any enemy must be staunchly hated and disrespected). Agreeing with many ideas of the reactualized by Dugin traditionalism, I completely disagree with his imperialistic nonsense. This nonsense, quite honestly, is a great illustration  how an intellectual can sacrifice his own views and principles and become a slave of "the strong of this world".

Earlier, Dugin was more independent. Today, however, he has turned into an obedient herald of a decaying  empire. As Yegor Letov once said, "the plastic world has won", and Dugin, at the moment, is merely an ideologue of a plastic Russia. All those who dislike artificiality and love what's natural must fight against this plastic monster. Life exists underneath its roof, where the potential of newly freed peoples burns. We find life in the Mojaheeds of the Caucuses, in the independence movements of Tatarstan and Mari-El, those who go to protest with signs "separate Moscow from Russia", "Siberia will be free", "Long live a republic in the far east!", in the partisans of Primorye - heroes, who tried to free their own people from an imperialistic sleep. In all aforementioned cases we find life, a voice of organics, bastions of Being. But in Dugins Eurasian Youth Movement we find no life. Despite all the financing from the gazprom-bandit government...

In the title to this article I used the phrase "utopias of Eurasia". This understanding, in my opinion, quite accurately describes the sense of modern-day "traditional" ("white", "Orthodox", etc.) Russia. The unnatural Eurasian empire exists, but the messianic empire does not exist. Such an empire is fake, a simulation, a utopia, an illusion. Instead, peoples exist - peoples who want freedom, and it is these peoples who can change the ontological status of the world.

* Moscovia is the original name of Russia, Rus' is the original name of Ukraine.